Mating disruption controls grape vine moth in grape in France
  • Grape vine (Vitis vinifera)/ FR/ mating disruption pheromone/ Lobesia botrana
  • Widespread lepidopteran pest throughout 1100 Ha of wine vineyard, that could no longer be adequately controlled chemically. In response to the resistance problem farmers installed a 150 Ha pilot trial with mating disruption in  close collaboration with biocontrol companies and agronomists for close monitoring.



  • Technical result: : After successful pilot project on 150Ha , mating disruption was expanded to 1100Ha, area wide application was the key to success to control this lepidopteran pest
  • Economic result: Residue free, quality grapes enter market at higher price
  • Sustainability (ecological, social and economical) Gains:


    • Reduction in reliance on chemical pesticides
    • Increased biodiversity enabling resilient vine cropping systems
    • Species specific pest control, respecting natural enemies


    • Enables worker and consumer health and wellbeing
    • Promotes quality nutritious grape production
    • Demonstrates good governance (preventative approach) and successful teamwork


    • Circular approach reduces loss and waste
    • Supports farmers’ livelihood and value distribution
    • Improvement of financial viability
pest_solution wheel-sustainable-development-goals
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Other case(s) with the same crop

Agroecological IPM – Attilio Pecchenino Vinegrower applying IPM, Dogliani, Italy

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Pheromones and microbial agents

Agroecological IPM in vineyards in Luxembourg

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Agroecological IPM – Organic wine growing in Franciacorta, Italy

Lepidopteran pest and soil disease
Pheromones and microbial agents